Inspire Change –

Inspire Change
Challenge – Inspire – Change …
Your Partnership Makes a Difference.. Inspire Change by Partnering with Digital Jewelry
Transforming the lives of Children, Youth and Marginalized members of society
As an athlete, we Challenge ourselves to be the best we can be by working hard and doing what it takes to get the job done to become a winner … a Champion!!
As we challenge ourselves, we Inspire the people around us to do the same …
At the end of the day, our hope and goal is that we change the “world” around us to be a better place … while inspiring others to do the same!
This basic concept has been my mantra since my youth …
My Life Learning is that these 3 pillars of core beliefs truly spill over into everyday life …
The overflow of blessings from working hard and giving the credit to God drives our company’s social engine to see children, youth and the marginalized members of society lead a dignified life and livelihood.
Partnership – Make a Difference & Inspire Change
Partnership with the Digital Jewelry to make a difference and inspire change. Your each purchase will contribute to transforming society. Some percentage of the profits from Digital Jewelry Company go to feed local youth. If it was not for this organization and many like it, thousands of kids would go through the weekend with no food.
Our History
Digital Jewelry is a take off of the family business with a continued commitment to designing jewelry of timeless beauty for life’s most important moments and memories. I believe that through sheer hard work, patience, perseverance, tolerant of the hours of work, sincere service and timely delivery of HIGH QUALITY products, worthy of recognition, the price of triumph is a sweet success. This principal has been passed on to myself and the rest of my brothers and sisters by my father, Ivo Colucci. This has now become the Mission Statement for our company!
Why Choose Us?
We’re #1!
Be unique and set yourself apart with our custom jewelry!
Titanium ~ Crystal ~ Glass ~ Stone ~ Metal ~ Wood
Our custom designed jewelry is incredible choice for you due to its quality and affordability. We have been making personalized jewelry for clients at Digital Jewelry for years. Our reputation is most significant thing we have. For that we always go mile a head for customer’s satisfaction ensuring exclusive design every time. We work with full devotion to maintain our reputation.
Please see the attached photo. Our 249th,US Army Corps of Engineers, are proudly wearing the Digital Jewelry pin for Safety on their ear plug case as part of their uniform as ordered by our 3 Star General, Chief of Engineers, LTG Robert B. Flowers and Command Sgt Major, Robert M. Dils. Our 249th have a world-wide mission.” Since Sep 11, 2001, the 249th have supported and are continuing to support the recovery
and clean-up mission requested by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
The 249th also are the first responders for National Disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes etc. They take the disaster victims water, ice, remove debris and can fly in heavy weight equipment such as cranes and generators world-wide.
We take pride in the pin for Safety made for us by Digital Jewelry. Both our military and civilians wear it proudly…world-wide!
With Regards,
Vickie Siebert
Safety and Occupational Health Manager
We can’t thank you all enough!!! The coins are absolutely incredible. Tell your guys they did a bang-up job!!!
I have a conference this week where I will have an opportunity to show them off and the rest will be history, because the craftsmanship you guys put in will do the rest.
CW2 Bobby L. Davis, JR.
OIC, Aerial Delivery Dettachment
Fort Polk, LA 71459